Here starts a collection of technical information covering about every facet of Ham Radio; receivers, transmitters, control circuits, antennas, power supplies, wattmeters -- you name it. We'll add it here or others to see. Drag out some of those old schematics and drawings and share them with your fellow club members.
NEW! As of Sept 2014: We've expanded the content of this section or the web site to include information on neat stuff our members have dredged up on the WWW or just by tinkering in the shack.
Subject | Source/Author | Submitted By/Date |
Wire-Antenna Installation Problems | Alpha Delta | KD4CEB Kerry/20111005 |
Audio ALC Circuit | WB4FXD Terry | WB4FXD Terry/20111012 |
Relay Flip-Flop | WB4FXD Terry | WB4FXD Terry/20111012 |
Calculator for Simple Circuits | K4YF Edgar | K4YF Edgar/20121116 |
N4WYR Ron | N4WYR Ron/20121127 | |
Ham Radio Advances | EDN Magazine | WB4FXD Terry/20130403 |
New Ham FAQs | Sil. Valley VE GP | N4WYR Ron/20140122 |
Digital Modes | K4EIT Joe | K4EIT Joe/20140221 |
N4WYR Ron |
N4WYR Ron/20140826 |
N8GUN Tom |
N8GUN Tom/20140920 |
WB4FXD Terry |
WB4FXD 20141018 |