ARES and Digital Basics
Herman NO4Y, and others have been working with several digital modes of
transferring data from one point to another via VHF and HF radio. One mode
in particular, MT-63, has been proven to be quite effective in handling
the transmission of data via radio with a minimum of errors under most
conditions. Unlike the "older" methods such as RTTY, AMTOR,
SITOR, FEC, packet, etc., which use two audio tones (mark and space),
MT-63 uses 64. Data sent using MT-63 will usually arrive at their
destination with few or no errors during conditions that would totally
cripple other modes.
Joe K4EIT presented a slide show at a recent CERA/ARES meeting in Plymouth and at the TAARS February 2014 meeting that outlined the experiments conducted and still underway. Interest is growing steadily in this and other modes. Join the TAARS Gang on Thursday evenings (except for meeting nights) at 8pm. We meet on the Elizabeth City (146.655/PL131.8) and Hertford (147.330/PL131.8) VHF repeaters. All are welcome. Here's Joe's slide show. |