Problem Solvers for Wire Antenna Installations*
Of the many questions we get concerning wire dipoles and slopers here at the Alpha Delta antenna facility, many deal with the same common issues of antenna installations and performance problems. Indeed, many of the “problems” turn out not to be problems at all when provided with additional information about the situation and installation site. Fundamental
antenna theory, and installation experience that we have gained over
many, many years of dealing with these antennas may provide the answers
you are seeking. No
engineering formulas and complex theory here, just practical information
gained from customers themselves, in addition to our own test results
and operator knowledge as hams. We have formal
engineering educations, but that isn’t what you’re looking for here.
You’re looking for how, why and what to do! Some of the following
points will be very basic for some of you, but in talking to our
customers of all levels of experience, we hope you will find them useful
and time saving. A. Slopers (quarter
wave) have a unique set of installation requirements compared to the
typical half wave dipole. Basically, they require operation on a
support/tower (35 feet or higher) with an HF size beam on top to act as
a “capacity hat”, sort of like an upside down vertical where the
beam elements are like the radials of a ground mounted vertical. Also,
there needs to be a good ground return path down the tower. Metal guy
wires that are not “broken” with insulators and other wire antennas
on or near the tower can
cause serious problems (SWR). We get many questions like “can I mount
a quarter wave sloper on the peak of my roof, or on a wood or metal pole
or on a tree, with no HF beam on top?” Simply put, the answer is
“no”. They just won’t tune that way. Refer to our
web site home page on sloper installation instructions. Slopers mounted
on towers or supports with no HF size beam on top will not tune or
perform properly. Even when installed properly, a wide range (10:1)
should be employed to reduce SWR and broaden out the bandwidth. B. Dipoles are
a relatively simple design and usually easy to install and tune with
good SWR, but they too require some thought for proper operation.
Dipoles operating on 20 through 10 meters should be at 30 feet, or more,
in the air. Dipoles operating on 160/80/40 meters should be at least 40
feet in the air for good SWR and at least average performance. A low frequency
dipole (80/40 meters) can be put up to within 10 feet or so under a
higher frequency (20/15/10 meters) beam with little if any problems. In
an inverted-V configuration, the end of the wires should be about 10
feet, or higher, from the ground. The center feedpoint of an inverted-V
should be offset from a metal support or tower leg by about 18 inches,
on a non-conductive arm, to minimize coupling and thus higher minimum
SWR. It is also important to note that antenna wires should not touch,
or come closer than about 6 feet from any tree branch/limb or leaves.
This may not be readily known but they can really upset resonant
frequency or SWR. D. Attic
installations. We have
many successful customer reports of attic installations, particularly
with the Model DX-EE, 40 foot long, 40 meter thru 10 meter dipole.
HOWEVER--and this is a BIGGIE! Attic installations and performances (SWR)
are unpredictable due to the fact that antennas in attics are upset by
attic wiring and HVAC heat/air ducting being nearby. Also, metal gutters
and roof/wall material can be a factor. The height above ground (single
story, multi-story) is also an important consideration as with any site
conditions. Depending
upon your residence, RFI coupling into stereos, TVs, burglar alarms and
even garage door openers can be a problem. Due to the coupling effect of
attic installations, an external wide range (10:1) tuner is usually
required for proper SWR operation. The antenna wire must NEVER touch
any roof truss or roof material and should be at least 3 ft. from such
material, and at least 4 ft. from any metal device, attic wiring or HVAC
object. Also, power should be limited to 100 watts or less for attic
installations. They operate
extremely efficiently in their ranges, but must be adjusted (trimmed)
for other ranges (add lengths to lower resonant freq., shorten to raise
freq., several inches at a time using an SWR meter.) and a tuner (10:1)
should be used to “broaden” out a range once it has been set. The
DX-DD/DX-CC have 2:1 SWR bandwidths approx. 65 kHz on 80 meters. The
DX-LB is about 40 kHz wide on 80 and about 20 kHz on 160 meters,
depending on site location and height above ground. “Clear site”
locations and proper height above ground are a must for proper tuning
and performance. Odd configurations are unique to the site and we cannot
predict the success of such configurations. Before calling the
factory, BE SURE to do an SWR “run” across each band. Do
about 10 kHz at a time on 160 meters and 20 kHz at a time on 80 meters,
turning the dial slowly, with the tuner bypassed, to develop a
resonance/SWR curve for each band. Without this data we cannot find
clues or help with suggestions as to what might be going on. Comments
like “my antenna won’t tune”, or “my antenna has high SWR” do
not help us find solutions. Do a “run” as above, and provide us the
data. Alpha Delta
Communications, inc. Please phone for
proper address information based on product category. Toll free order
line 888-302-8777, FAX 606-598-4413 *The above was extracted from an Alpha Delta Communications, inc., document, is presented for its content only, and in no way constitutes endorsement of the parent company nor any of its products. -ed.- |