Here's the station from which emanate those NO4Y signals

An Overview...

Here's the whole station so you gat an idea of its layout. Herman--how do you keep it so neat?

You can see my main computer monitor. On the desk behind the monitor is the PC used for Echolink and the NO4Y weather station. My main computer is not visible.

All the equipment is powered by an Astron RM35 power supply that is located in an equipment closet behind the equipment that also houses phone, DSL, computer networking, and TV distribution.



A close-up of the operating position...

Top Shelf Left to Right Icom 746 160 - 2m Transceiver
AEA Pakratt 232 multimode digital interface    (HF/VHF packet, Amtor, Pactor, RTTY modes)
Above the 232 is a Diamond SX-400 UHF/VHF watt meter 

Middle Shelf Left to right
Ham-2 Rotator controller
Display for Icom 2800 UHF/VHF FM transceiver (trans-
    mitter is remotely mounted)
Yeasu FT 2800 VHF radio

Bottom Shelf Left to right
SignalLink USB Digital Controller (sound-card modes: 
    BPSK 31, JT 65HF, RTTY, etc.)
WB2REB AMI 2 all-mode sound-card interface (Echolink)
PC electronics ATV transceiver (Amateur Television)
Above that is a Yeasu 5100 UHF/VHF FM transceiver
    used for Echolink


And now the antenna farm...

Rohn 25G tower about 42 feet high

From the top down
At the top Diamond 300 UHF/VHF omni-directional ant   
     (10- ft. vertical radiator)
Wilson 3 element TriBander (10 15 20 meters) 
     (13' 5" boom)
Full-wave 80m loop fed with 450-ohm ladder line, coax
    and 4:1 balun (antenna is about 280 ft long)
6m Sloop is side-mounted on tower

On the blind side there is an anemometer for the weather
    station and a 2m dipole for VHF packet
There is also a UHF/VHF antenna located in my attic for
    the Echolink transceiver