This is the script used by the net-control station. 

Always observe net protocol.   Listen  Listen  Listen


This is Your Call. All stations please standby…

Calling the Northeast North Carolina Repeater Net.

Calling the Northeast North Carolina Repeater Net.

Calling the Northeast North Carolina Repeater Net.  

This is Your Call, net controller. My name is Your Name and I am located in (town) ____, ______ County , North Carolina .

This net meets each Thursday evening, except club meeting nights, at 2100 hours local time, on the WA4VTX 146.655 MHz  PL 131.8  Elizabeth City repeater.


This is an informal net using formal net procedures. All amateurs are encouraged to check into the net.

When checking in please give your call sign, name, and location.

Stations are checked in the order of the first letter of your call’s suffix group.


Are there any stations with Emergency or Priority Traffic? If so call Your Call.

Are there any stations with net announcements? If so call Your Call.  

Are there any stations with a buy, sell, or trade listing? If so call Your Call.  

Are there any mobile stations? If so call Your Call.  

(check in Mobiles and allow informal rag-chew for them first)  


Any check-ins Alpha through Hotel for the Northeast North Carolina Repeater Net, please call Your Call.  

Any check-ins India through Papa call Your Call  

Any check-ins Quebec through Zulu call Your Call  


Is there any further business for the net before I close?  

Hearing nothing, this is Your Call closing this session of Northeast North Carolina Repeater Net. I would like to thank everyone who participated in the net. 

This is Your Call returning the WA4VTX repeater to regular amateur use. 73.