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Welcome to the home page of The Albemarle Area Amateur Radio Society, located in Elizabeth City, Pasquotank County, North Carolina. We are an active group of hams from several counties in northeastern North Carolina with an interest in all facets of ham radio. We come from all walks of life and are bonded by a mutual love for ham radio. TAARS members' interests range from antennas to amplifiers, from traffic nets to DX ragchewing, computers to vacuum tubes...and the list goes on. Our monthly meetings are short and informal, with educational and "show-and-tell" sessions on a regular basis.


Field Day is the highlight of our activities for the year. While we don't necessarily always score high up there on the QST listings, we have oodles of fun and offer some of the finest culinary presentations in this part of the state!


Our motto, "Promoting the hobby of Ham Radio as well as providing a service to our community" is not a hollow phrase. TAARS members give of their time several times a year to provide communications and sweat to local organizations in the public good.


To find out more about us, click on "Club Info". And if you would like to make a comment, suggestion, complaint, etc., click on "Webmechanic".


Thanks for stopping by.      GL es 73...

                                                                       Many thanks to Inteliport for hosting our website