On 14 April 2012 five TAARS members gathered at the Roberson's Heating and Air building on US64 to take down a 150-ft Rohn 25 tower. It was a bright sunny day with little wind--perfect for tower work.

The motley crew consisted of Herman/NO4Y, Mike/KB4TOH, Kerry/KD4CED, Dean/KK4CRD, and Terry/WB4FXD who took pictures of the operation. Our exalted grand poobah Dave/AJ4NV, the new owner of the tower, led the charge to take apart the tower and cart her bones away. However (there's always one of those), the tower was reluctant to cooperate and after Dave had struggled, cajoled, hammered, WD-40ed (is that a word?), and no doubt fired off a few four-letter broadsides for almost six hours, three antennas. three runs of transmission line, one run of 14-2 romex, and three guy wires were on the ground.




The saga continues! 

On 4 May 2012 the crew regrouped in Plymouth to finish the job. Dave/AJ4NV, Mike/KB4TOH, Herman/NO4Y, and Albert/K4VHV formed the gorilla squad, while Terry/WB4FXD took pictures, offered advice, and held a tag line a few times. Today the project moved right along at a fast pace with Dave and Mike taking turns aloft. Work started at about 1015 and we were on the road with a trailer full of tower sections by early afternoon. Many thanks to all who participated. Dave had a wide grin on his face!!

Herman makes the last cut to clean up the concrete foundation while Albert steadies the bottom section.

There's an interesting story that goes with this. Years ago a truck caught the bottom guy and severely damaged the bottom section. Rather then take down the tower to replace it, the owners of the tower bent the damaged area back into shape and poured cement into a makeshift form around the section. The result was an extremely stable tower.