K9YA Telegraph is a monthly publication from the Robert F. Heytow Memorial Radio Club in Chicago, IL. I've been a subscriber for several years and have found it an interesting and informative publication.

The majority of articles are centered on the "old way" of ham radio and will bring back some memories to the old-timers among us. However, they throw in some 21st century items every so often to appeal to the younger hams.

Distribution is free with copies arriving around the end of the month via e-mail. This link  http://www.k9ya.org/ will get you to their site; subscription information is in the left column.

Disclaimer (the lawyer in me shouts): I am not affiliated with this club and have no connection of any kind with it or any of its members. I just like their product. No junk mail ever from them in many years.

Give 'er a shot! 
