Columbia Emergency Repeater Association


Revised Aug 2012

This is (give your call sign) asking all stations to please stand by for the Coastal Emergency Linking Net. (Pause for a few seconds.)

Calling the Coastal Emergency Linking Net. This is (give your call sign phonetically), your net control station. My name is (give your name) and my QTH is (give your location). The Coastal Emergency Linking Net meets each Wednesday night at 2100 hours local time. I am calling the net from the (give the call of the repeater you are using) repeater on the Coastal Linking System. This is a directed net and an ARES affiliated net. We invite all stations to participate in our net and activities.

Is there any emergency or priority traffic? If so, call (give your call sign) now. Pause for reply(ies)

Are there any net announcements, business, or bulletins? If so, call (give your call sign) now.  Pause for reply(ies)

We will now stand by for regular check-ins. Each station please check in alphabetically according to the first letter of your call suffix, followed by your name, QTH, repeater you are checking in from, and listing traffic, if any. Informals may be listed, but will not take place until after the formal portion of the net is closed.

This is (give your call sign) standing by for any mobile stations. (These may be called upon for an informal before continuing with other check-ins.)

This is (give your call sign) standing by for stations ALFA through ECHO, call (give your call sign). 

Stations FOXTROT through JULIET, call (give your call sign).

Stations KILO through OSCAR, call (give your call sign).

Stations PAPA through TANGO, call (give your call sign).

Stations UNIFORM through ZULU, call (give your call sign).

This is (give your call sign) with the Coastal Emergency Linking Net. Are there any additional check-ins, ALFA through ZULU? If so, please call (give your call sign).

This is (give your call sign) now closing the formal portion of the net and going into the informal session.

(Use the same line-up as was used during check-ins, beginning with mobile stations that have not already been called upon. Pause approximately midway through the informals and ask for additional check-ins. Before closing the net, ask if there are any additional check-ins.)

I would like to thank everyone for their participation tonight and to extend an invitation to check-in with us each Wednesday night. The is (give your call sign) now closing this session of the Coastal Emergency Linking Net at (give the time in military time) hours and returning the frequency and repeaters to regular amateur use.

(give your call sign) clear.